We aim to provide comprehensive yet flexible support in the decision making process; family and friends are welcome to visit the facilities and we offer the opportunity to potential residents to visit the home to join other residents for a complimentary meal, if they wish.
We also offer the opportunity for residents to move in on a trial basis (normally daily fees apply for trial visits) and actively encourage residents to involve family and friends in their decision-making.
Once the resident is happy to move in, we only get one opportunity to make a good impression; the way we commence their care provision influences how quickly and comfortably they settle into their new routines.
There are a lot of matters to attend to when someone comes into our care for the first time and everyone coming to us is different, so we make sure that we fit all the formalities that we need to complete around the individual, not the other way round.
The Manager and Senior Care Assistants will work together to make sure everyone in the team knows that someone new is arriving, that they know their name and how they wish to be addressed before they meet them, helping them settle in, feel known and welcome.
On arrival, the most senior staff on duty will greet the new resident and anyone who has come with them.
They will be shown to their new clean, well-appointed room and offered refreshments, ensuring the new resident and anyone with them are given time to familiarise themselves with their new surroundings.
They will also be offered a tour of the facilities to get a ‘feel for the place’.
A full assessment of the care needs of the new resident and the development of a personal care plan then completes the integration process and ensures the life of the resident is optimally fulfilling for the duration of their stay.
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